argus Luna Kafé e-zine -

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Luna Kafé
The Global Music Inn

Our full moon menus consist of musical dishes from many corners of the world, composed by our world wide web of contributors. A last menu was presented on the full moon night of January 12th 2017, and we're now on permanent vacation. However, every now and then we'll launch some spontaneous, impromptu, improvised or ad hoc articles. Foggy notions, whimsical moves, etc. Watch this space!

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"Rock music is mostly about moving big black boxes from one side of town to the other in the back of your car." (Pere Ubu)

L u n a   K a f é   H Q   J u k e b o x   D e c e m b e r   2024

  Man by the Jukebox, 1959 Dave Heath
    [J u b i l e e s : reappearances, recurring & reoccurring moments]
  • It was 60 years ago this moonth ... Happy Anniversary to the debut single I Can't Explain/Bald Headed Woman by and as The Who.
  • Happy 50th Anniversary to Dark Horse by George Harrison, Klossa Knapitatet by Samla Mammas Manna and Red Queen To Gryphon Three by Gryphon.
  • Happy 40th Anniversary to Psychic...Powerless...Another Man's Sac by Butthole Surfers, Uzed by Univers Zero, Thing-Fish by Frank Zappa, the two albums Slip It In and Live '84 by Black Flag and the EP Remission by Skinny Puppy.
  • Happy 30th Anniversary to Second Coming the second and last album by The Stone Roses, Heavy Metal Hippies by Loudness and the debut EP Inn I Evighetens Mørke by Dimmu Borgir.
  • Happy 25th Anniversary to the debut album Yesterday Was Dramatic - Today Is OK by Múm, Everything Is Healing Nicely by Frank Zappa, Vision Creation Newsun by Boredoms and Speak Kindly of Your Volunteer Fire Department by Robert Pollard and Doug Gillard.
  • Happy 20th Anniversary to the debut album 300 Lésions by Kyo and the two albums Almanac and Venue Songs by They Might Be Giants.
[Photo above by Dave Heath, from Street Seen: The Psychological Gesture in American Photography, 1940-1959. The Jukebox lists are also published at our LunaKafeHQ on Facebook.]
© 1996-2024 Luna Kafé