US - Washington - Full Moon 127 - 02/02/07
Legion Within
The Empty Men
Wretched World Music
Legion Within has had a bit of a change of sound since their last record. Singer/front man William Wilson has toughened up. Opener "Facisti" rails against George W, with harsh beats and well-placed samples of the man himself. "Wrath of the Empty men" retains the softer side of the previous record. It's a good showcase for Wilson's deep voice and the bands skill at arranging songs.
"Rise" is another abrasive song; Wilson uses a Marilyn Manson sneer to get his point across. "She Chides" is softer but no less effective, Wilson using his affecting croon to an electronic backdrop. Members of KMFDM weigh in with remixes of "Facisti" and "Glass Ships" from the previous album. An exciting, but brief record that points to a bright future for Wilson and company.
Copyright © 2007 Anna Maria Stjärnell 