Brazil - Full Moon 81 - 05/16/03
Various Artists
Músicas bacanas para pessoas descoladas
F Records
This is so far the best acquisition in terms of how much you invest and what you get when
talking about youth music in Brazil. It's a completely full cd, almost 74min for about 8 bucks
postage included worldwide. Which means in the worst scenario that you could consider losing few
more than an hour of your day listening to something that does not please you at all but still
donating money for a honest cause in brazilian music.
On an opposite view, you have 31 bands together embracing so many different cities and towns
in a way no other brazilian compilation has ever done before. One out of the five geographical
regions of the country is not represented: the north -where the major part of Amazon belongs to.
It's a pity cause there must be interesting musical manifestation there too. Anyway, the ones
aware of the brazilian territory extension and conditions can confidently bet that for the next
years won't be usual yet to get rock expressions from distinct places such as Lages, Fortaleza,
Brasília or Jundiaí together at one time. In addiction, there is actually an
amazon area's participant: a Peruan band that besides with an Argentinian and a Dutch one are
the foreigner guests on the cast.
So, what does make such miscellanea having some unit? Attention, this is not "world music",
something nobody knows what it means but everybody can identify. As pointed out in the beginning
you have to be young enough to be in the mood for this selection. There are a variety of fast
and midi tempo songs; some with more anger or basically pop on the other hand, others more punky
and still mellow; tracks sung by males and females, mainly in Portuguese, but also in English and
even one in Spanish - with every lyrics included on the booklet. Bands that already have some
reputation and respectful share of public in their own environment or abroad and also the new
comers. All in all that can fill expectations for the minimum curious guy looking for some rock
coming not from the obvious part of the world. It's worth to mention all the artists so you can
check more from them in your searches for somewhere else music. As on the track list of the cd,
alphabetically follows: Asphix (Argentina), Absurd, Arsenal, Automatic Hi Speed, Bambix (Holland),
Crazy Frogs, Disconcert, Dead Fish, Filhos do Totem, Fliperama Morfonauta, Futuro Incierto (Peru),
Hardcorefun, Hateful, Jelly Puppies, Killi, Mellowthink, Muzzarelas, Need, Oskão, Plano B,
Projeto Peixe Morto, Randal Grave, Sideway, Slinks, Shame, Substar, Switchstance, Swallow the
Waffle, 3 Nuts, Teahupoo, Tuneful Chaos. As usually happens for the independent enterprises, to
get a copy contact one of them or the label because this is not an article you will easily find
at record stores or on those other amazon kinds.
And just to make sure this is the right cd for you, check if you feel somehow identified with
the people on the cover pic and the title that says in a deliberately cheesy way: "nice songs for
cool fellas".
Copyright © 2003 Laudo 