US - New York - Full Moon 81 - 05/16/03
Paul Pimlser Music
Paul Pimlser Music
self released
Paul Pimsler's record is a tranquil excersise in moods. The instrumental pieces drift into
each other and form a cohesive whole. This is music that is best used to relax after a stressful
day. It's somewhat like Brian Eno in his most minimalistic phase.
The record is pleasant to listen to, but might be a little vague at times. Pimsler is already
on the way to accomplishing a classic chill-out record so that's a minor complaint. He has a clear
idea of what he's doing and will get better with time. In the meantime this is an apt soundtrack
to a walk in the park or a drive to the lake in the summer.
Copyright © 2003 Anna Maria Stjärnell 