England - Full Moon 103 - 02/24/05
Redlands Palomino Co
By the Time You Hear This We'll Be Gone
Laughing Outlaw
Alex and Hannah Elton-Wall are the songwriting and singing part of this magical group. They're
playing what might be called Americana or modern country. The opener "Music's On" gets it right
straight on. It's a mournful but evocative gem with Hannah in beautiful voice. "Temptation" is
rowdy roots rock in the vein of Whiskeytown. "Get on the train" is a ballad with a marvelous
chorus. "Doin' It for the country" is a song highlighting Alex' gravelly voice, that has a delightful
stonesy swagger to it. "Make Tonight Last" is a bittersweet duet between the couple that still
feels hopeful.
There's hardly a note on this record that sounds wrong, in fact there's an exquisite rightness
about it. Contrary to the title I think we'll hear much more of the group.
Copyright © 2005 Anna Maria Stjärnell 