England - Full Moon 107 - 06/22/05
Nova Scotia
Cousteau crafted two cds of impeccable chamber pop with Scott Walker-ish singing and then their songwriter left. They've chosen to carry on and have altered their sound. The grand orchestral gestures that made songs like "She Don't hear Your prayer" so magnificent have gone. Singer and now main songwriter Liam McKahey
is thankfully still aboard.
"Sometime" is more low-key than they used to be but McKahey's singing remains transcendent. "To Sail Away" is a muted ballad that has a nice late night ambience about it. McKahey croons in a more restrained fashion than before and the piano is a nice touch.
"Black Heart of Mine" is a lengthy standout that challenges the band to be epic in new ways. McKahey's vocal has a definite touch of Scott Walker to it and the backing acknowledges his words. "Pia" has a nice spoken word passage.
Costeau seem to be thriving in their new incarnation, and although I miss the old grandeur this is a fine record.
Copyright © 2005 Anna Maria Stjärnell 