Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - Pennsylvania - Full Moon 108 - 07/21/05


Bebek's debut album engages from the first track, the gorgeous "807 Dub". Singer Lynn Michalopoulus has a silky yet strong voice that suits the music. "Frozen" is a strong song, Lynn's singing almost operatic to a soft beat. "Grace 6 5" is given a Greek twist by Neno Catalano's bouzoki, while the singing is soft. "Good News" is a progressive influenced track in the vein of Pink Floyd. Bebek doesn't seem to be a band that feels like settling for one style of music, and that does them credit. They have something special in their eclectic mix. As debuts go this is pretty perfect. The album neither overstays its welcome nor ends too soon. Bebek have a bright future ahead of them.

Copyright © 2005 Anna Maria Stjärnell e-mail address

You may also want to check out our Bebek article/review: Open Eyes.

© 2011 Luna Kafé