Sweden - Full Moon 111 - 10/17/05
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Type Records/Dotshop.se
Lisa Nordström, Lisen Rylander and Malin Dahlström make up Midaircondo. Their electro-acoustic sound is fresh and special. "Could You Please" features a bass leading us to a a jazzy soundscape topped with whispered vocals. "Serenade" is a delicate ballad that features a neat piano part and a sweet vocal. Midaircondo give off a playful air on this record, a sense of anything goes that's quite liberating. "Sorry" is a spooked, haunting track that they pull off well. "Who's Playing" uses a music box to great effect.
It weaves on beautifully, giving further proof of the group's charm. This debut will endear them to many.
Copyright © 2005 Anna Maria Stjärnell 