Mare Smythii - Full Moon 118 - 05/13/06
Through the retro-scope:
Anniversary Album of the Moonth
The Ramones The Ramones This is a piece in a series of 12 Luna Kafé desserts, presenting a dozen of records celebrating their 40th, 30th, 20th or 10th birthday this year 2006. I've chosen three out of each "class". Classics, milestones, favourites. You name it. Some among the global masses, others maybe in smaller circuits only. Maybe we could group them under the moniker "Pet Records" - to re-name one of the many 40-year-olds of 2006. Hey ho, Let's go! Da brudders' debut album, with its many hooks and slogans, is one of the milestones of rock'n'roll. Their 14 song strong (shorties, but goldies), self-titled power-pop collection was one of the pioneering punk records, and it still sounds as vital and refreshing 30 years later. "Blitzkrieg Bop" became one of the anthems of punk, and the four "brothers" out of Queens, NYC, was on-board a long and successful journey. The Ramones was born in early 1974, just to show how to really make music three chord, DIY-style. Simple, yet smart and punchy. The Ramones is more sugar (bubblegum) poppy, than angry punky. Jeffrey Hyman, John Cummings, Douglas Colvin, and Thomas Erdelyi - better known as Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee and Tommy Ramone - didn't stretch their songs to more than three minutes. Tops. Many of them even clocking in at less than 2. Highly inspired by 60's surf and pop-rock, presenting quite comical lyrics. Making fun of pop lyrics in general. Have some fun, go with the The Ramones. The Ramones made a strong line of albums. Now it's all over. Joey died in 2001. Dee Dee died in 2002. Johnny died in 2004. Only drummer Tommy is still going.
But, of course, their albums remain as documents of achievement.
Copyright © 2006 Håvard Oppøyen 