England - Full Moon 122 - 09/07/06
Simon Morel
Songs From The City
Wildcat Records
Simon Morel is British but now based in Australia. His music's true to his roots, his influences include Teenage Fanclub and Squeeze. He stays true to them mostly.
He calls a song "Tea and Sympathy" and gets away with it by virtue of its strong melody. "Would You Let Me?" is a sensitive plea to a girl; the Squeeze influence rears its head here. "Point of View" is charmingly poppy and shows Morel's a real talent. "Living Without You" is a simple effective song of troubled love. Morel's forlorn singing and the simple guitar line work to get his point across well.
This is a pretty perfect debut for a good old-fashioned pop singer. He deserves to be heard by many and I'm sure he will be soon.
Copyright © 2006 Anna Maria Stjärnell 