England - Full Moon 122 - 09/07/06
New Flesh
Universally Dirty
Big Dada
The UK's New Flesh uses producer Part 2, and rappers Juice Aleem and Toastie Taylor to create dancehall-flavored music. "Wherever We Go" has mad strings and strong vocal interplay between the frontmen. "Howz dat?" is a solo vehicle for Juice who bounces off the skippy beats. Toastie Taylor goes solo on a dirty and catchy "Home Movies".
"Chocolate Bubbles" is pure whimsy, an ode to eating chocolate. Toastie Taylor's speedy inflections collide with Juices's on "Don't Look Now" to thrilling effect. By the time the record ends with "Come Again" its obvious that New Flesh have talent and style.
Copyright © 2006 Anna Maria Stjärnell 