US - Michigan - Full Moon 123 - 10/07/06
A quick Q & A Mahogany's Andrew Prinz
Luna Kafé: Your new album Connectivity! was produced in collaboration with legendary Cocteau Twins guitarist and producer Robin Guthrie. How did you come to work with Robin, and what was it like?
Andrew Prinz: "Robin is wonderful. We met through friends and he is a true canonical artist with a lot of sensitivity, and an incredible ear. I felt like he gave our songs a sonic hug."
Luna Kafé: You've taken on some new members in the making of this album. It certainly sounds more like a 'band', i.e. the songs sound like they could be reproduced really effectively live. How has this affected the way you write and perform?
Andrew Prinz: "People are everything. I think the energy between the eight of us is incredibly positive, and I think it's fair to say that we are connected to one another by many means on many levels. So we've made a firm step that feels good."
Luna Kafé: To my ears, Connectivity! is much more positive and accessible than your other albums, Dream of a Modern Day and the 2CD collection Memory Column. Care to comment?
Andrew Prinz: "Thank you - happy you feel we've brought those feelings into the recordings."
Luna Kafé: The more I listen to Connectivity!, the more it feels like a concept album, a kaleidoscope through which modern life appears as a complex yet enriching whole. How would you describe what the album is about?
Andrew Prinz: "There are some very pragmatic things the songs can be driven by, like transportation, architecture, or sustainable energy - but layering concepts can work, too. So you have all that coming together, and everyone has solutions or systems they bring to each song - it's a kind of natural network."
Luna Kafé: Over the years you've produced another of my favourite bands, Auburn Lull. How has working with Auburn Lull influenced your music?
Andrew Prinz: "Auburn Lull are great friends and it is always great working with them. So, that's a dialogue that is part of a long, amazing friendship - I think they will always be influencing me."
Luna Kafé: From the attention to detail in your music and artwork it appears that you're pretty meticulous about every aspect of the creative process. Is this true?
Andrew Prinz: "'The path to true perfection, I'm afraid I must confess: To err and err and err again - but less and less and less' - Dutch Navy motto."
Luna Kafé: How big a part of your life is Mahogany?
Andrew Prinz: "It's bigger than my life - !"
Luna Kafé: Where now for Andrew Prinz?
Andrew Prinz: "Back to the studio... ;-)
Luna Kafé: Thank you very much for participating in this Q & A with Luna Kafe!
Andrew Prinz: "Thank you!"
Copyright © 2006 Tim Clarke 