US - Texas - Full Moon 123 - 10/07/06
The Mechanical Walking Robot Boy
Compulsive Records
The curiously named group is the brainchild of one Chris Smart, known as Smarty and a motley gang of musicians. This new album merges classic glam with electronica and a million other tasty things.
"Red Spider Killer" is a pop version of Nine Inch Nails with added weirdness and whistling. "Double" is spunky fun, albeit with added scary bits. "I'm Your Devil" sings Smart to seductive strings and a lazy mood. "Four Leaf Clover" is tougher but still melodious. The psychedelic vibe is well handled.
The brilliant "She turns me on" sounds very modern. It rocks in an alternative fashion. This is hard music to pinpoint but all the better for it.
Copyright © 2006 Anna Maria Stjärnell 