US - California - Full Moon 126 - 01/03/07
Doc Heide And The Pills
Peaceful Kingdom
Frederick Heide Release
He's a doctor truly, clinical psychologist professor that is. Can't say if that makes for good music in itself, but I'm quite certain it does something for the story. And obviously Heide is a man of wit and the proper intellect. In the liner notes he quotes psychologist Otto Rank: "Life is just an experiment for discovering the secret of death", which surely is a generous suggestion. But although he's got the intellectual equipment at hand he's not turning cheeky. Makes me think: "funny man this doctor Heide". Unfortunately he's not hilarious like Warren Zevon or straight-faced like Lou Reed.
What bugs me a bit about these recordings has little to do with the songs themselves, the lyrics or the vocals. Nope, it's the guitar that seemingly wants to play with ZZTop and Slayer at the same time. So, here's a production problem. Nothing against ZZTop or Slayer. Just that when I get reminded of them while listening to tunes that deserve finer touches and less Zappa, I get distracted. Songs such as "When Dogs Could Talk" has got what it takes but there's something missing. Well, maybe it's just too much of something that shouldn't be there.
I'd be looking forward to an acoustic take or just a bit more stripped take on the doc's better tunes. He's got them alright, but maybe he should hire a sloppy guitarist or prescribe some of his pills to the one he's got.
Copyright © 2007 Anders Svendsen 