US-California - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 13 - 11/14/97
Test of Wills
Magna Carta
Just as Magellan the explorer sailed uncharted waters and changed our
perception of the planet we live on, Magellan the band have the
potential to find yet undiscovered musical oceans and change our
perception of a much-ridiculed genre of music. Yes, we're talking
"progressive rock" here. With their third album, Magellan are breaking
most of the rules and bending the rest of them. Like their namesake,
they're sailing against the stream, and these sailors are much cooler
than those Whitbread wimps.
As far as nineties progressive rock goes, Magellan is one of the best
bands right now, showing influences from the past (Jethro Tull,
Kansas, Gentle Giant and many others) without trying to sound like a
tribute band. Their unique blend of styles range from metal riffs to
pop-like vocal harmonies and beyond.
The three members of Magellan are Trent Gardner - lead vocals,
keyboards and trombone; his brother Wayne - guitars, bass and backing
vocals; and newcomer Brad Kaiser - drums. Kaiser replaces Magellan's
previous drummer, the competent but somewhat stiff mr. Drum Machine.
As can be expected from a prog-rock band, the bandmembers have more
technical skill than your average band. Trent's effective keyboard
melodies, Wayne's hard and complex guitar riffs, Brad's roller-coaster
drumming, with the high point being Trent and Wayne's larger-than-life
vocal harmonies.
Magellan seems to be Trent Gardner's brainchild. He writes all the
songs, does the lead vocals, and he engineered the album. The intricate
twists and turns of the songs combined with good melodies show that
Trent has a very good command of the craft of songwriting. But it
still comes across as a band effort, both Wayne and Brad get to show
their stuff more than once.
Test of Wills starts off with a weird recording of a person
apparently demonstrating a musical instrument. This leads us into
Gameface, immediately showing off Trent Gardner's keen sense of
vocal melodies and Wayne's heavy riffage. Then, to celebrate that they
finally have a real drummer, Brad Kaiser gets to solo for the first
minute of A Social Marginal. The album continues to surprise, Walk
Fast, Look Worried starts with an acoustic guitar before turning into
keyboard based rock. The polyrhythms of Test of Wills (the song)
leave you gasping for air. Behind every island there is something new
and different, and any nasty reefs are mostly avoided with skillful
navigating. Trent's lyrics are biting social/political commetary that
fit in with the dark sounds of the band. Black and brooding pieces
with filthy bums and worried looks. It's an interesting journey, with
only a couple of wrong turns - the album closer Critic's Carnival
goes kind of nowhere at times, and has Brad Kaiser missing in action -
replaced by a drum machine. But you'll forgive them for such minor
things when you hear Jacko (Great keyboard-with-piano-sound
performance), A Social Marginal (Check out those harmonies!) and the
eleven-minute title track (Two million time-changes and a trombone
solo). It'll be interesting to hear what these boys can come up with
I bet you never thought you'd be headbanging to a trombone solo.
Copyright © 1997 Kentil'zha 