Norway - Full Moon 130 - 05/02/07
The Jessica Fletchers
You Spider
Perfect Pop / Tuba!
This is The Jessica Fletchers' fourth album. We missed out on the first and third. You Spider is a substantial step away from the second one What
Happened To The?. Since last we included the Jessicas in our menu, they've made it to the national hit lists and eaten cherries with international notabilities
such as Franz Ferdinand, The Hives and The Apples In Stereo.
For me the new album works in a similar way as alcohol. It enhances the mood I'm in. One sunny spring morning with no work in sight it made me happier and
the songs sounded stunning and catchy as hell. On a grey afternoon a few days later when the spirits weren't that high, the album didn't manage to cheer me
up. Some of the songs sounded more ordinary, almost dull. It might also have something to do with what part of the album I was listening to. The first half
of You Spider sounds more ordinary than the second.
The band has moved away from the obvious 1960s references of their earlier work. At first I was afraid the ability to conjure up great melodies had gone
along with the 60s characteristics. No need to worry. They're as strong as ever, particularly in the second half. The voice of lead vocalist Thomas Innstø
made me think of the 1980s and the Cure. Well, only the voice of Robert Smith that is. Not the overall feel, not at all.
The lyrics mainly deal with relationships, not necessarily of the romantic and happy kind. The two spider songs are especially interesting. I guess they
deal with two friends, petty criminals in their youth. One of them want to keep going in a more violent direction. The other not. "I Am The Spider" is told
from the point of view of the violent one, and the title track of the album from the other part. It ends with an incident 'you can read about in tomorrows
Musically, the band sounds more modern than ever. The guitars are sharp and precise. The keyboards wanders in different directions, often with a characteristic
sound that distinguishes The Jessica Fletchers from other contemporary bands. In the second half of the album the organ is more dominant and the 60s flavour
is not completely gone after all. I even think I can spot a melody line somewhat similar to a 1964 hit by The Zombies. The title track, especially the chorus,
was the first to keep spinning and spinning in my head. And there are several other contenders. All in all You Spider ain't half bad. When in a good mood and
in combination with alcohol, the album might be a dangerous happy pill. No need to worry, be happy!
Copyright © 2007 JP 