US - Indiana - Full Moon 134 - 08/28/07
Tom Stevens
Avebury Records
Being a huge fan of everything out of the Paisley Underground from the
bottom and up, there's simply nothing about this Tom Stevens record I don't
Here's a man with both feet firmly planted on the floors of the music clubs
in LA and a twangy Telecaster strapped around his neck.
His new collection of new songs is the first since 1995's Another
Room, but he's for certain spent his time well at crafting jangling good
and tuning his guitar to the beautiful dirt in the back of his amp. The
drive and jangling of "Flame Turns To Blue" reminisces of both Byrds and Big
while "Tornado" sounds almost like the perfect blend between Green On Red
and Dream Syndicate. Almost, because it's still significant.
There's a whole lot of Elvis Costello, both vocally and in the writing,
mixed with the best side of Tom Petty - yet all of these references don't
mean a thing when you turn it up and tune in.
Copyright © 2007 Anders Svendsen 