US - Florida - Full Moon 135 - 09/26/07
Iron & Wine
The Shepherd's Dog
Sub Pop / Tuba (distribution, Norway)
There is a certain sense of knowing what to expect from Iron And Wine now. Upon expecting their third album I was not flirting with the idea of electric guitars and double bass drum-kicks - and neither was Sam Beam, the bands singer/songwriter. And I'm saying this in the most positive way.
Because there is not another band challenging Iron And Wine on their turf. Although bits and pieces, and atmosphere, can make me think of 16 Horsepower or Nick Drake, it's still undoubtedly Iron And Wine.
Best songs here are the driving "White Tooth Man", the intriguing and ethnic "House By The Sea", the boogie-woogie of "The Devil Never Sleeps" and the most beautiful "Resurrection Fern".
It's said that Beam's inspiration for this album was Tom Waits' Swordfishtrombones, although more in form than in song, it's quite easy to see the link. They sound looser and freer in both instrumentation and production - and the songs themselves is solid ground.
Copyright © 2007 Anders Svendsen 