Sweden - Full Moon 136 - 10/26/07
Jakob Olaussen
Moonlight Farming
"Farmer" Jakob Olaussen (a member of Swedish band Joshua Jugband 5) does some strange farming I guess at his moonlight acres. Olaussen's guitar is dusty and sunburned, and his sound and songs are for sure from a darker side.
I don't quite get the things he do, but it's for sure quite fascinating stuff nevertheless. Eerie, contemplative folk music with a twist. Lo-fi and organic, and sounding very honest and true and sincere. But it's somehow challenging to get to the core of his expression I feel. I'm not quite there, yet. Will I ever be? As a Lunar farm boy I should.
Moonlight Farm is one of them albums that needs another listen. And another. And another.
Copyright © 2007 Håvard Oppøyen 