US - Florida - Full Moon 136 - 10/26/07
Jim White
Transnormal Skiperoo
Luaka Bop
Jim White's fourth solid coming is in every way what you might expect from him. I mean that in the most positive way. 'Cause there are no other artists like Jim White. You might say that he reminds you of this or that, but still there are nobody making records sounding like Jim White. Unlike in, say, rap or metal - or country music - where it's sometimes difficult to tell the one artist from the other, White's in a league of his own.
Another 12 songs about love, despair and often some wicked, but surprisingly clear, ideas that springs out of White's mind. I'm quite convinced they are close to his heart as well. From the quirkiest (Take Me Away) to the loveliest (It's Been A Long Long Day) to the simplest but straight-forward marvellous little country-song (Turquoise House) you're certain about the intentions. White's sure going to tell you a story you haven't heard before and introduce you to thoughts that hasn't passed through your mind before.
He will most likely be left standing as one of the true great originals way after he's put his banjo in its case. By then I'll join him in singing "I'm gonna let my freak flag fly"!
Copyright © 2007 Anders Svendsen 