Iceland - Full Moon 137 - 11/24/07
While The City Sleeps
One Little Indian / Tuba!
I expected Kalli (ex-singer of Without Gravity) to be a new wonderboy, and another artist to, again, show us what an amazing island Iceland must be when it
comes to pushing out creativity. My expectations were not high, but maybe a bit too high for this record. I had just read some reviews praising the talent of
Kalli, the beauty of While The City Sleeps, namedropping Nick Drake, et al. A few songs listening and I wasn't all that impressed.
Kalli sings quite good, of course, and everything's nice. It's just that everything's just gliding by, the songs are not hitting, touching or moving me.
They're lacking substance, kind of. The Nick Drake reference is quite off target, I feel. If I should mention some other artists I'd say Norwegian William Hut.
I most def prefer Mr. Hut's music.
Sorry, Kalli. Nice, but that's not always enough.
Copyright © 2007 Håvard Oppøyen 