Norway - Full Moon 137 - 11/24/07
Ida Maria
Oh My God / We're All Going To Hell
Nesna Records
Quite a few female singers have surfaced here in Norway the last years,
many probably inspired by the careers of artists like Lene Marlin and
M2M (Marit Larsen and Marion Raven). So far the record companies have failed
hitting the jackpot with this newest generation of signings, but you never
know (and the record companies certainly don't). But while the hopeful
pop cuties and IDOL winners (a concept so fucking embarrassing that it
makes me switch to another channel) struggle to get attention and climbing
the hit lists, others are taking control of their own careers in a much
more mature and DIY fashion. Focusing on songwriting, content and musical
integrity (I know - it's old times talk, like credibility
and other stupid words that have no meaning today), artists with real
talent break through on their own, like for instance Ane Brun, a singer/songwriter
that on a good night can blow you away with just her guitar, her voice and her songs.
Like Ane Brun, Ida Maria also run her own label based in Stockholm, Sweden. Brun with
her DetErMine Records and now Ida Maria releases her first single on Nesna Records,
which in spite of the name (Nesna is her hometown in northern Norway), is run from Stockholm.
While Ane Brun has a voice and expression
that could make her a roots/folk/country queen in the US, Ida Maria sings in a more eccentric style,
impossible to not mention the Björk influence. She also has a lot more rock attitude, and on stage her seemingly
angstfilled lyrics seems to fit her performances, which are often described as wild,
you know, the Iggy way (presumably post broken-glass-rolling period). PJ Harvey is probably also
a source of inspiration, as the title of her latest radio single called "Stella and God" may hint at.
So far Ida Maria has gotten a lot of deserved attention here in Norway, and in the above context we
welcome her brashness. We are all looking forward to her debut album, but if I were you, I would grab one of
these singles now - it's a 7" vinyl only release, comes in a handwritten white cover, and is pressed in
a numbered limited edition of 1000.
Copyright © 2007 Knut Tore Breivik 