Sweden / Norway - Full Moon 137 - 11/24/07
Saralunden. Björkås. Mjös
Dubious is the collaboration of Swedish indie-pop musician Sara Lunden and Norwegians Kyrre Björkås (of Det är jag som är döden) and Andreas Mjøs (of Jaga Jazzist). Saralunden (vocals, glass, synthesizers, piano, organ, recorder), Björkås (vocals, bass, violin, guitar, drums, synthesizers) and Mjös (vibraphone, guitar, drums, omnichord, violin, programming, production) have come up with an exciting mini album.
Dubi-dubious (as the title track opens vocally) is a nice collection of minimalist electronica pop. Low-toned and a bit introvert and cold. Yet in some way including and warm. Lundén's semi-fragile voice is a good match with Björkås' darker toned vocals. Lee and Nancy, or Nick and Kylie (or,
rather, Polly Jean)? Well...of their genre maybe, but then... not really. Björkås has written 2 of the tracks, Lundén the last three. The quintet of songs make a nice handful, and quite an okay 16 minutes of pleasant company. I think I prefer Lundén's songs the better. "You Can Come" and
"Naked In My Bed", but especially the most quiet track, "The Sound It Makes". The closing "Murder" (by Björkås) is sort of a spooky murder ballad.
These 5 songs were recorded at Saralunden's place in Stockholm during a couple of weeks back in 2004. There's nothing wrong with spending time together for a follow up.
Copyright © 2007 Håvard Oppøyen 