Norway - Full Moon 139 - 01/22/08
Lake Toba
Phone Me Records / Tuba!
Lake Toba is a lake located in the middle of the northern part of the Indonesian island Sumatra. It's the largest volcanic lake in the world. Lake Toba is Norwegian Lukestar's second album. It's a volcanic pop record, and the eruption starts with the smashingly catchy "White Shade". A killer song, and one of
the earworms of the year.
When reviewing White Shade last moonth I described Lukestar's music as "falsetto-emo-pop with a big heart and a soft soul". One could add 'rough edge', as Lukestar have picked inspiration from the hardcore camp. Their music is indeed energetic and punchy, as well as being sort of gently head butting. Singer Truls (also known from his project Truls & The Trees, who put out their debut just before xmas) has got a remarkable voice. The high-pitch falsetto works really well, even though it can now and then be a bit over the top. The good thing is, and this is the smart thing Lukestar do, Lake Toba is a 11-songs-in-35-minutes album. To the point. Even though there are a couple of fillers. No, not fillers, just a few songs a bit too weak, bleak.
All that said Lake Toba is a good, strong album. The energy and the catchiness is of the positively bubbling and bouncing kind, as a sugar rush to the head. They sometimes make me think of bob hund. Not because there are musical relations. It's just about the energy. The Shins are another band that springs to mind. With the difference that Lukestar play their pop rougher. Tickle your toes in the lake, and just throw yourself in it.
Copyright © 2008 Håvard Oppøyen 