Norway - Full Moon 140 - 02/21/08
Like Rats From A Sinking Ship
The Perfect Hoax
Young Trondheim based outfit Like Rats From A Sinking Ship (LRFASS) make a kick-ass start with their debut record, the Sxy Sxy GSW EP (read: Sexy,
sexy gunshot wound). A swarm of rats? Relax, there are just three of them. But they sure make a racket.
LRFASS are Timo Silvola, Remi Semshaug Langseth and Tony Gonzalez Fredriksen, and the threesome play a combination of hardcore with some electronica (programming)
flavours. Opening track "March of the Locusts" blast off, going for your throat, and is somewhere near the alleys of Blood Brothers in style and stamina.
Screamadelic, energetic hardcore with melody and punch. It could maybe also be described as the Come On Pilgrim-era-Pixies' manic, hyper kid brother.
The record continues with "Smash the Crystal Larynx!", which is even a wilder ride, but more brutal and not as catchy as the opener. However, they make sure
to play start/stop and put in some milder moments along the harder edges. "Vulture Culture" is partly some sort of song related to, well, Mogwai moods, before
the band rises - again - with a roar. The closing "You Can't Hug Your Children With Nuclear Arms" is rough noise and catchy choruses.
Tough stuff. Tight and cool with a load of 'attitude'. And an EP is just about enough as a starter. They probably kick butt live as well, but a full album
might be a bit to exhausting. Or...?
Copyright © 2008 Håvard Oppøyen 