US - Washington - Full Moon 140 - 02/21/08
Grand Archives
The Grand Archives
Sub Pop / Tuba!
Grand Archives is singer/guitarist Mat Brooke's new band. Brooke quit Band Of Horses (he also played with Ben Bridwell in Carissa's Wierd - the band before
Band of Horses) just after their Everything All The Time was recorded. He opened up his Archives with some friends in September 2006. Curtis Hall (drums),
Jeff Montano (bass), Ron Lewis (guitar/keyboard) and Thomas Wright (guitar) are now the other archivists.
Grand Archives sound a bit more 1960s pop than Band of Horses. Mamas & the Papas and the Turtles have been mentioned. And maybe a bit more country poppy.
Gentle, innocent sounding pop songs sneak up on you. However, I sort of find it a bit too kind and nice sounding, almost too pale and bleak. Opener "Torn Blue
Foam Couch" is cool and fine moment (second best song), and the up-tempo "The Crime Window" is the most punchy song with a certain party mood. "Swan Matches"
is a beauty, and "A Setting Sun" is indeed charming. The closing "Orange Juice" is a neat, Caribbean 'the end'.
The Grand Archives is a bright and shiny collection of songs, but maybe not bright enough. Yet, it might be a grower.
Copyright © 2008 Håvard Oppøyen 