Ukraine - Full Moon 142 - 04/20/08
When I first read about this disc, I was a bit worried. Viter means wind in Ukrainian and the tracks are called "Inhale", "Exhale", "Inhale", "Exhale"
etc.... I suspected some tranquillizing wind effects or other ambient new age meditation moods. Luckily, Viter is something else.
Zavoloka is an Ukrainian artist. She has composed and constructed the numbers, but do not participate on the album herself. The disc is dominated by Olga
Patramanska's violin with some reverb effects, it seems, electronics and electronic rhythms. In addition a bit of double bass and vocals. The notes and beats
are quite quick, like a playful summer breeze, particularly the first "Exhale" track. Other favourites are the second "Inhale" that ranges from modern electronics
to traditional Ukrainian vocals, whereas the second "Exhale" wanders between a beautiful somewhat melancholic violin to electronic experiments. I'm not sure
if the music is particularly suited for breathing exercise and there aren't many distinct melodies here. But the moods are refreshing and the music might even
aid to ease your mind.
A full-length album of this, to some extent minimalistic concept might maybe be too much. A clever move then, that the disc only lasts 20 minutes, including
two very short and five tracks that clock in at +/- four minutes. For those interested in cover art, Viter is not to be ignored. This is not your ordinary
square or rectangular shaped CD. There is a wave-formed top and more waves printed onto and cut into the cardboard envelope. Airwaves that is.
Go to the Kvitnu and Zavoloka home pages for further investigation.
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