US - Illinois - Full Moon 146 - 08/16/08
Sarah VonderHaar
Are You Listening Now
Sarah VonderHaar was a contestant on 'Americas Next top model' but didn't win. Perhaps that's for the best as she her debut as a singer has clear potential.
She makes mainstream pop and writes or co-writes the music. "Over You" is an up tempo song about getting over a bad relationship. Her voice is strong and
the backing strident. "I Got Sunshine" is sunny and has a nice chorus. The vocal is likeable and sweet. "It's Not The First Time" is tougher and cunningly rams
its point across. "Let My Heart Fall" is one of the best songs, VonderHaar singing to a bright backing. It's not unlike a Belinda Carlisle ballad but less cheesy.
It's a promising and nice record.
Copyright © 2008 Anna Maria Stjärnell 