US - Wisconsin - Full Moon 148 - 10/14/08
Jayme Dawicki
Shatter Queen
self-released / independent
Jayme Dawicki is a pianist and singer and this is her accomplished new album. She records soulful pop in the Fiona Apple vein.
The title song sees Dawicki excel on the piano and sing her heart out. She picks at the remains of a failed relationship and gets a great song from it. "Crush" is a soft and a little bit sad, Dawicki managing a pleasant sound. It's a song that belongs in a good TV show or sound tracking a romantic film. "Paper Dolls" is every bit as good, Dawicki really showing off her piano playing chops. Her vocals have something of Jewel's sweetness and expressiveness. "To Go Beyond" achieves a nice mood; musically it's a little darker than the other songs. Dawkicki's vocals are as lovely as ever and she expresses herself well. It's a great album.
Copyright © 2008 Anna Maria Stjärnell 