Netherlands - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 15 - 01/12/98
Jammah Tammah
Easy Skankin'
Since I got this CD from their merch-man before their gig
at Melkweg, Amsterdam, December 29th I have listened to it
every day at least once. This record has some cool artwork,
done by Snorkel as usual. When Meedoen (Join Us) starts
I already wanna skank in my room. Also I can already say that
Jammah Tammah, 11 piece ska band, that they make ska, rocksteady.
Piepke still sings in his own way, more like screaming, talking. Cool.
Although it's hard to understand what he sings from time to time. If
you have their 2nd album Skbang and played the CD-rom part and
did some good searching, then you already could find this song with a
clip, although they changed the lyrics on some parts for
Easy Skankin'.
Zigeunerpunker (Gypsypunk) is up next and it's more like the 2-tone ska.
Actually they have lotsa influences, like polka and stuff. Dr. Liverstone is next. Followed by the rocksteady Pigeondrops.
I can't pay attention to the songs anymore ... way to busy
to skank and type this thingie. Then it's crime time w/ Al Capone Guns, hey Piepke is using some of his instruments,
I forgot how many instruments he uses!
Another instrumental song. Witte Wiven (White Females) is up next. I don't wanna be a witte wive, and I'm already not one, I guess. It's time for the
summer with Where's The Sun, a slow song good to skank on with your
boy/girlfriend. Hey, it's the more faster Aqui La Musica. Yeah, this makes
you happy, I guess. I'm happy and free too. Aaargghh, okay, I can't understand
some of the Dutch and English, but Spanish is, ohh ... well, sounds good anyway.
Stoomdroom (Steamdream) is up next. It's about the only
steamtrain in the Netherlands, the one from Hoorn-Medemblik. Cool
song. Rocksteady again with Determination. Instrumental too.
Kicks Of Red is a bit faster again. Even some other members
start to sing. Piepke tries to do some singing too and it works. I
prefer him screaming and talking though, that is more like him.
Time for the last song (sniff) Trouble In May. That's more
Jamaican skaish.
I thought it would be hard for them to do a better record than
their first two (Dizzy and Skbang), but with Easy Skankin' they did it. I was surprised by that.
It also proves that Jammah
Tammah is a band that will stay around for a while.
If you like their albums, go to one of their gigs. Those are way better,
although all their albums already kicks my white ass red.
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