US - Massachusetts - Full Moon 153 - 03/11/09
Melissa Ferrick
Goodbye Youth
Right On Records
Melissa Ferrick has a long and intriguing career behind her, making independent music. Her new effort sees her approach middle age with spirit and sass.
The title song isn't sad, but retains a fiercely positive outlook at life. Ferrick's vocal and her guitar playing are vivacious and tough. "Glycerine" is an
intimate and carefully played song with a poetic lyric. Ferrick's guitar playing is superb here. "Hypocrite" is nicely self-depreciating with an unforgettable
chorus. Ferrick has a way with these things. "House on Fire" turns up the intensity and is one of the album's strongest songs. Ferrick has made a great album.
Copyright © 2009 Anna Maria Stjärnell 