England - Full Moon 154 - 04/09/09
Angels Weep
Gap Music
Singer Sarah Jones fronts Nandara and they make tranquil and intriguing new age music. The opening "Journey" features a gently undulating melody supporting
Jones' dulcet vocals. The violin adds a neat touch. "Our Love" is a faintly Enya-esque tune with a resplendent vocal, Jones outdoing herself as a singer.
"Angels of Love" is a gorgeous tune, Jones' angelic singing is at its best, and its sweeping arrangement would make it ideal for a movie soundtrack. "Innocence
In Me" gets a bit Enigma, though in a good way and Jones emotes well against a rhythmic backdrop. If you like the genre at all, then this record can't be beat.
Copyright © 2009 Anna Maria Stjärnell 