US - California - Full Moon 158 - 08/06/09
Dune Tran
Heart Anchors
Dune Tran's debut album is a very pleasant offering in the singer/songwriter genre. She has a pleasing lilt to her voice that's very easy on the ears and
a clear skill for writing tunes.
Opener "Silence" sees her use her astounding voice to a soft melody, recalling early Sarah McLachlan. "All" has a nice Beatles-y sing along quality to it
that's plain exuberant here. Tran's piano playing is gorgeous throughout. "Trust Me" is beautifully played and has a lovely melody that's instantly engaging.
"Fading Into Black" shows off the singer's voice well, a classic piano melody at the center of the song. Dune Tran's really made a stunning debut.
Copyright © 2009 Anna Maria Stjärnell 