US - California - Full Moon 160 - 10/04/09
Lal Meri
Lal Meri
Six Degrees Records
Lal Meri consists of Nancy Kaye, Ireesh Lal and Carmen Rizzo. Their name is a Sufi folk song and their exotic mélange of styles really works well. Nancy
has recorded two albums as Rosey, Ireesh Lal has recorded with Hot Sauce Johnson and Antimask, while Rizzo is a sought-after producer and member of Niyaz.
Opener "Dreams of 18" sees Kaye's sultry vocal set against a stunning backdrop, evoking a landscape of styles. "Borders" is an effective plea for tolerance
set to a trip hoppy and appealing background. Kaye's silky vocal works well here. "My Ocean" sees the trip work a funky beat into the tapestry of sounds and
Kaye adds her usual great vocal to the mix. "Rainbow" turns jazzy and with a world music influence working for it. It's a song to get lost in, and it evokes
a thousand and one visions of exotic allure. Kaye is as ever an expert chanteuse.
Lal Meri is a genuine melting pot of music and should appeal to many.
Copyright © 2009 Anna Maria Stjärnell 