US - California - Full Moon 164 - 01/30/10
Less Than Lion
Divisible is a duo consisting of Shola Akinshemoyin Vaughn and Albert Sadia and they weave an intriguing web of influences on this record.
"Living with a Ghost" buzzes with rhythms of the persuasive kind and has a yearning vocal by Vaughn. The drums add an interesting flavour. "Calm-collected"
is dense and has a slow undulating melody for Vaughn to weave her siren vocal against. Her vocal is really lovely on this album. "Everbody" has a strong rhythm
and is like Talking Heads at their most driven and classic.
"Exit Music (for a film)" is a lovely Radiohead cover that really shows the bands' strength. They effortlessly put their own stamp on the song and don't
succumb to awe of the original band. On this evidence Divisible are worthy of your time and money.
Copyright © 2010 Anna Maria Stjärnell 