Sweden - Full Moon 166 - 03/30/10
The Tarantula Waltz
Did Not Leave To Find But To Forget, To Leave Behind
Brus & Knaster/Playground
Did Not Leave To Find But To Forget, To Leave Behind is Swedish singer/songwriter/guitarist Markus Svenson's Americana inspired band The Tarantula
Waltz' sophomore album.
The re-presentation of the young misunderstood man is, as on The Tarantula Waltz' first self-titled album, very present. But the man has become a little
more of, well; a man, and not a just the forsaken (adolescent) boy. The sound is also remarkably richer than on their debut. Therefore, the melancholy that
is lingering in every note on Did Not Leave... has more to give. Even if it still feels like The Tarantula Waltz is a bit over-emotive.
Did Not Leave To Find But To Forget, To Leave Behind is one of those albums that has a few moments that almost make you overlook every other misstep
there must be. The moments here are called "The Sun is Burning Out" and "Tritonus". The first is a low, intense ballad, the latter justifies their waltzy name.
Sadly, two such moments don't make an album shine. But when you add at least two more decent tracks, like "Synthetic Sun" and "Bruno K Öijer Where Are
We Going?" it sparks a little. And then it doesn't matter that much that The Tarantula Waltz on other tracks is nothing more than pale shadows of early
Moneybrother or simply dull.
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