US - Georgia / US - New York - Full Moon 166 - 03/30/10
Small Black / Washed Out
Split 7"
Lovepump United
A small thing, this record - and worth every second of its 8 minute length. The A-side is "You'll See It", written by Washed Out and remixed by Small Black.
A string patch, dirty and happy much like a child playing in mud, propels the song into its first electronic verse. Almost silly basslines give way to highly
stylized sampling, recalling such ground-breakers as Boards of Canada. Voice is equal in the mix, and stays out most of the song. Voice samples and noises
happen softly in the background during the singing, giving this song a unique feel.
Side-B is the one that a lot of lonely hearts will be listening to for a while: "Despicable Dogs," written by Small Black, and remixed by Washed Out. It
has a big I-IV a-men chord progression, not unlike no many sad songs from the 80s. Don't let the reference to that decade turn you off, though. The vocal melody
in this song, unassuming as it is, manages to take clear advantage of style while remaining original. There's a little drop added at the end of the long notes
that just does the trick. At 2:18 begins a melody that could bring tears.
Listening to this, I'm reminded of recent loses. This is one of those records you wanna listen to with someone who gets it. At times there are glints of
happiness, but overall it's quite the sad, yet determined, piece of work.
Copyright © 2010 Eugene Ward 