US - North Carolina - Full Moon 167 - 04/28/10
The Green
Hidden Shoal Recordings
Just three months after the release of the stunning Loam Arcane EP, the American experimental ambient-pop duo Boxharp
is due with a full-length album. But, first they are releasing the title track "The Green" as an appetizer. And what an appetizer that is.
"The Green" is a delightful pop-tune, shaped out of Wendy Allens' celestial multi-tracked vocal, the chilled intimacy and the melancholy in the astral ambient
soundscapes. It is the sound of watching the sparkling of the stars just after a heartbreak, and magically still being able to see their cold beauty. In short,
"The Green" is a lovely piece of silvery-chilled ambient, that keeps me really wanting the forthcoming album.
Copyright © 2010 Aslaug O Klausen 