US - New York - Full Moon 167 - 04/28/10
Dejha Colantuono
Tea and Vodka
Mad Meow Music
Dejha Colantuono has an individual voice and uses it well on her splendid debut album. Opener "Beginning to End" is fuzzy and rockin' with a powerful vocal
to center it. "Fences" is kinda poppy and she sings in her softest voice, It suits her very well. It shows her versalitlity as an artist in a good way. "Miss
Fortune" is a track that shows off her cool voice to a soft setting with a great deal of finesse. "Waltz for Lucy" is exactly that and is a lovely song with
it. The vocal is assured and warm and the tune sweet. It's an excellent debut.
Copyright © 2010 Anna Maria Stjärnell 