England - Full Moon 170 - 07/26/10
March of Dimes
From Those Who Were There EP
Hope House Records
The new EP by March of Dimes sees the group play literate, sophisticated pop with smart tunes. Opener "Seasons Change" has an autumnal lushness that's like
prime Fleetwood Mac. Singer Jonathan Moss comes to the fore well here. "I Fell Asleep Singing Your Song" is a soft, yet intriguing hush of a song with a melody
straight of a dream of perfect pop.
"Ducks at the Dam" sees Cat Firman and Tom Surman taking over vocal duties with some impressive results. They sound good together and the tune is lovely and
fluid. It's an EP that can stand on its own, and yet wets the appetite for more.
Copyright © 2010 Anna Maria Stjärnell 