Mare Smythii - Full Moon 172 - 09/23/10
The Luna K Quiz Show
Here's a brand new thing at Luna Kafé - a pop quiz show! Just answer one single question, and you could win a CD.
Various artists
I Like It Better Here - Music From Home
"On I Like It Better Here - Music From Home, several key figures from the U.S. Westcoast scene in the 70's, join forces
to celebrate the joy and magic of home. From "a sense of home" to "afraid to go home", from "longing for home" to "time to go home", and from "feels like coming home"
to "the places the devil calls home"." (Hemifrån)
The first release for the Hemifrån label celebrates the concept of home, witch artists like Jeff Larson, Jackson Browne and Joel Rafael lending a hand. You can
win a copy by answering a question and mailing the answer and your mailing address to AMS before the 13th of November. So the question
Jackson Browne produced an artist who later had a hit with a song about werewolves. Who was he?
Copyright © 2010 Anna Maria Stjärnell 