US - California - Full Moon 172 - 09/23/10
Mia Vermillion feat. Orville Johnson
Alone Together With The Blues
Vermillion Music Studio
Mia Vermillion is an experienced blues singer and she knows how to use her voice on this cd. She's well helped by Orville Johnson on guitar and dobro.
"In the Dark" is a sultry, truly moving experience well sung by the gifted Vermillion. "Love's Lost and Found" is one of her own songs, and it's eloquent and lets
her voice shine while Johnson acquits himself well on guitar. "I'm Going To Copyright Your Kisses" gets a reading worthy of a young Bonnie Raitt. Vermillion's vocals
are utterly gorgeous and moving here. The closing "Two Cigarettes In The Dark" is lovingly delivered, Vermillion's sweet vocals snuggling up to Johnson's guitar nicely.
She's not reinventing the wheel, but this is a fine blues record.
Copyright © 2010 Anna Maria Stjärnell 