England - Full Moon 173 - 10/23/10
Loren Scott
The Full Clown Service
Raising Agent
Loren Scott's second album has a way of worming its way into your head by way of sly melodies and a rough-hewn vocal. "Don't Let Love" is a persuasive, snaky opener,
with an explosive chorus and a strong tune. Scott's full-force vocal leaves nothing to be desired. "Kissing Skulls" is an up-tempo song that allows Scott the full use
of her expressive vocals to a punchy backing. It's a curious yet compelling song. "London Fields" has a becalmed but hardly dull mood that she takes full advantage of.
It's somewhat like PJ Harvey a while ago. "Opium of the Week" has a tune that easily lodges in the mind and a propulsive feel that suits Scott's delivery well. It's one
of the most intriguing things on offer here. But the entire album has much to recommend it to the listener.
Copyright © 2010 Anna Maria Stjärnell 