US - New York - Full Moon 173 - 10/23/10
Sister Kinderhook
Filthy Bonnet Co.
Melora Creager has lead Rasputina for a long time now, and with Daniel DeJesus on cello and Catie D'amica on percussion she sails out for her bands' latest album.
Opener "Sweet Sister Temperance" sees Creager's siren voice and the choice of playing the cello as a rock instrument work together well. They still have a unique sound and that helps them stand out. "The
2 Miss Leavens" sees Creager as ever tell a strange tale with maximum pathos and quirkiness. The cellos really add to the tale's narrative by virtue of being powerfully played. "Humankind as the Sailor" is
propulsive and yet more than a little eerie as Creager tells a razor-sharp tale with her usual aplomb. "Snow hen of Austerlitz" is a more than typical dark fractured fairytale that few do as well as Rasputina
do. Either you adore them or you don't. This album will surely win some new converts to this magical band.
Copyright © 2010 Anna Maria Stjärnell 