Scotland - Full Moon 177 - 02/18/11
Alsatian / Turnstile
Jonny's sort of a super-duo, with Teenage Fanclub's Norman Blake and
Euros Childs, formerly of Gorky's Zygotic Mynci (who split in 2006 - since
then Childs has released several solo albums - the last one
came in December 2010!). So, how about a friendly between Scotland and
Wales, then?
This Jonny project is maybe an one album thing. Maybe it's a leftover
project, making it possible for Messrs. Blake and Childs to empty their
cupboard drawers. Not that there aren't some good stuff among
the 13 tracks. Jonny's Jonny is a pop-trip back to the 1960s (and
somehow to the 1970s), revisiting (I almost typed recycling...) The Beatles,
The Zombies, The Byrds, Buffalo Springfield and more. Listen
to "Candyfloss" and imagine The Zombies, check out "Waiting Around For You"
and recall The Beatles. And the list could go on. Blake and Childs are
'thieving' with humour and style, and they're getting away
with it. Some of the 13 songs may be one too many, but besides that
Jonny is (mainly) instant pop, with (mainly) instant charm. As a
fascinating 'break' comes the extremely long "Cave Dance", stretching
out for 10'44''. The song is a straight rock song for 1 minute 55 seconds,
before the middle/ending part begins - and it almost never ends. Before the
end comes. It's like a track taken from a rock opera by
The Who. Or the Kinks.
I guess the main idea behind the songs and the album was having a good
time themselves. Secondly to give the listener/the audience a good time as
well. The album is pretty charming, but it's not a smashing
classic, I think. Yet, I'm looking forward seeing the lads in Oslo in a
couple of weeks. Slán go fóill. Wela i chi!
Copyright © 2011 Håvard Oppøyen 