US - California - Full Moon 177 - 02/18/11
Gilli Moon
The Stillness
Warrior Girl Music
Gilli Moon has been making piano-dominated music for a while now, getting better with each record. The Stillness continues her steady development and is an
album she can be proud of.
"Be" allows her to reflect on standing still and just being and doing so to a good tune. "Outside In" is a touching track, with an ace melody and a fluid piano part.
Moon's really an excellent singer. "Days in November" has a nice, rich sound with Moon singing of love in a haunting manner. "Cos I Love you so" is another beautifully
made song of the type she does so well. It's lifted by a rap part by J. Walker that fits right at home. Gilli Moon's made another swell album.
Copyright © 2011 Anna Maria Stjärnell 