US - New York - Full Moon 179 - 04/18/11
Atoosa Grey
When The Cardinals Come
Grey Matter Music
Atoosa Grey has previously made a highly appealing record, and I'm glad to see her return with this lovely offering. The title is inspired by the birds rather than
The opening "All These Flowers" is a dreamy creation with some neat folksy touches. "Red Fire" is a soft moment suitable for night radio, as Grey sweetly sings to
an evocative melody. The birds of the title track turn up signifying hope. An unexpected cover of Rod Stewart's "Maggie May" turns up and Grey puts her won stamp on it.
Her vocal is sweet and has a distinct yearning to it that suits this subtle version. "Radio" uses an intriguing metaphor, a beloved as a song on the radio. Grey puts
real heat into it and delivers a moving performance, to a simple piano tune.
It's a sublime moment on this wonderful album.
Copyright © 2011 Anna Maria Stjärnell 