Australia - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 18 - 04/12/98
We Crossed The Atlantic b/w Please Don't Go
Wurlitzer Jukebox
In these times when everybody are discussing Titanic's distastrous
attempt to cross the Atlantic way back, it feels much safer to get on
a plane. Even if it's Hydroplane. On We Crossed The Atlantic
they've chosen the atmospheric route, rather than the seaway. The
people behind this Hydroplane release use to be in a band called
The Cat's Miaow, from Melbourne (?), Australia, and they have released
lots of music (7"s, cassette-albums, CDs) on different indie-labels
(Toytown, Quiddity, Drive-In, Bus Stop, Harriet) over the years since
the Cat formed in '92.
We Crossed the Atlantic
in fourteen days,
Fourteen days we were away...
Hydroplane is extremely calm, with no drums, very discreet guitars,
and spacy synths. Topped with a gorgeous female voice. (Kerrie ?)
We Crossed... is indeed dreamy and way up high. On the flip-side we
find the sparse Please Don't Go, much related to the a-side when speaking
of instrumentation and atmosphere. There is also a 3rd track, Hey Joe
(no, it's not the Jimi H. song). Lasting only 36 seconds, presenting some dark
industrial, but quite relaxed noise. This is music for late nights, or early
mornings, and maybe just a foretaste of something more to come.
Once again the magnificent underground label Wurlitzer Jukebox has given
us something pleasant to suck on.
Copyright © 1998 Håvard Oppøyen 