Germany - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 18 - 04/12/98
Herbst in Peking
Feuer, Wasser und Posaunen
Moloko Plus/EFA
Okay, here it is, the new album from our anarchist heroes Herbst in
Peking. It took them two years to get it finished and released, mostly
due to financial problems. That's the real underground! Herbst in Peking
has been an integral part of the East German underground scene for more
than ten years now, and Feuer, Wasser und Posaunen is their third
album (if I counted correctly, which is not an easy task with all the
obscure releases).
In the beginning they basically were a punk band. Later they incorporated
more and more other styles into their music. Singer and bandleader Rex
Joswig is also working as a DJ, so it isn't too surprising that many
tracks of the new album are stylistically closer to techno or dub than to
punk or indie rock. There are strange loops, samples and sound effects
everywhere, but many 'classic' rock songs as well. The 13 cuts were
recorded on various locations and with different musicians. There are live recordings,
studio band recordings, and totally programmed dance tracks side by
side. The only connections are the voice and lyrics of Rex Joswig.
So the album leaves a torn impression, but this great variety is also a
big plus. The first track, La Dolce Vita, is a powerful track that
reflects the mixed character of songs to follow. It starts with a
powerful bass and guitar setting and adds an electronic interlude in the
middle. The guitar hookline of the second track, Das Jahr Schnee,
was sampled from Greg Sage of The Wipers.
Tamponlovesong, the third track, is Herbst in Peking's take on a
calm pop song. The very strange lyrics (German and English), however, are
not really pop-like. Raskolnikov Reverse is a short experimental
track with reverse (of course) Russian lyrics accompanied by sounds of a
balalaika. The next song, the live recorded Kamennyi Ugol (Russian
for "hard coal") is another one inspired by the Russian fixation of former
East Germany. Russian propaganda records is sampled here.
Neonmantra is a simple rock song while the next cut was constructed
in the studio from Gibby Haynes (of the Butthole Surfers - editor's note)
samples ("Jesus was an architect / Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil"), and sound
effects. Haunting. The Jesus theme is continued in Jesus im Schnee, again
with a Greg Sage guitar-sample. "Jesus was so cool!" Doubt the Sky is a
sample-ladden, synthetic pop song, but too slow for dancing. A perfect dance track,
however, is the Russian Overdub, which is a completely reworked
version of Kamennyi Ugol. The following Jesus On Acid is
just a spoken word version of Jesus im Schnee with some weird sound
effects. With Sechs Liter Blut the band returns to the straight
rock song format with powerful sound and only few technical gimmicks,
just a trombone to make a difference. The album ends with Thee Dramatic
Speech. The Genesis P'Orridge spelling looks like it was inspired by the
industrial scene; the confusing collage of sound effects, gun shots, and vocal
samples meets these expectations.
Not an easy album, but definitely an interesting one.
Copyright © 1998 Lonely Locke 