Norway - Full Moon 180 - 05/17/11
Various Artists
Lukk Opp Kirkens Dører
Plastic Strip
Consumer warning: For those of you who consider the subtitle here attractive
(A Selection Of Norwegian Christian Jazz, Psych, Funk & Folk 1970-1980),
please do yourself a favour and check out the actual
musical content before buying this album. The otherwise fine and trustworthy label
Plastic Strips has gone overboard this time. Save a couple of track that could
be described as forgettably uninteresting, the rest of the music here falls
between embarrasingly bad and God damn awful.
This release may of course be of interest
to people involved in the "scene" at the time (Ten-Sing etc.), and is legitimate as
a historic document, but labelling this "jazz, funk, psych & folk" is an insult to
all these genres, and also to stretch the truth quite a bit. Psychedelic?! Sure, we
get far-out lyrics and quirky singing, but what does "psychedelic" even mean in this context? The subtitle is so misleading that I can not help but
suggest the more truthful alternative of A Selection Of Norwegian Christian Musical Shite 1970-1980.
Copyright © 2011 Knut Tore Breivik 